I am one of many millions of people who suffer in silence with an illness no one can see, and others say, chin up, or stop being so down.
Depression, such a dirty word to some, guess what, no its not contagious, but yes, as a friend of a person with it, you might find it hard to deal with to start out. What do you say to the person, do you ask how they are? do you ask how their day is going, do you ask if there is anything you can do to help? The answer is yes to all of those, and more.
Sometimes, we want to be left alone, sometimes we need a hand just to get up and out, other times we need an ear.
So why am I repeating the same post, but in a different format, a recently added friend on Facebook, posted some cracking pictures of a beach, and it reminded me of one REALLY bad day I was having, and all I wanted to do was run away, get away from everything and everybody, so I went down to a local beach for a bit of me time. Rhoscolyn, on Anglesey, sitting there with my thoughts being washed away the same way the pebbles are washed from the shore. I didn't take loads and loads of photos that day, only a few, but it worked, and i managed to clear the dark awful thoughts from my head.
The last photo of the seal, I was just sitting on the rocks feet just above the water, and he surfaced just a few feet away seemingly enjoying the warm summer sun on his face.
You don't have to have mental health problems to need escapism, we all need it sometimes, just a couple of hours peace away from modern life, and we are lucky enough around here to be surrounded by some of the most amazing beaches in the country.